Friday, November 16, 2007

My Tips 7 - 9 (of 20) to survive the holiday rush of a cottage industry

Cottage industry picture borrowed from this website

First of all I would like to say I envy these women working as a team, I would love to be part of a team these days instead of working all by myself:)
There is a ton of work ahead of me so I will keep my tips sweet, short and simple today.

4. Don't sacrifice your sleep unless your life depends on it. I find it hard to unwind if I crochet right until bedtime, I need some down time to relax and get work off my mind. At 8 pm my pc is turned off and my work roomed is closed. The best way to relax is to stretch out on the couch, lay down and watch "Law & Order" may have a different preference, whatever works best. Extended work hours lead to bad concentration, mistakes and having to redo the creations may be the worst scenario.

5. Take advantage of odd shopping hours. Locations like Walmart or Walgreens e.g. are open 24 hours a day and it's smart to avoid them when the kids get out of school or on the week-ends when people get off from work. If you have the chance to go shopping at 7 am, do so, and grab all your necessities at once. BTW I live in a small town and Walmart is the only place of its size for a one-stop shopping experience, so, some people don't have a choice to avoid places like that. Just wanted to say....:)

6. Be proud of your achievements. My revenue is by far not comparable to the kind of income I could have if I went to work for a company/organization. My son always says I could make so much more money with my college education and skills outside of my home. True, but money is not all. I make items with my own hands, derived from my own ideas, market them and sell them to buyers. An atom business that works, so I feel proud of myself every single day. And my DH does, too. It took a while to establish his recognition, but since he plans to venture into a digital art business himself, he came to realize what hard work and persistence is involved to sell and market online.

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