Saturday, November 17, 2007

My tips 10 - 12 (of 20) to survive the holiday rush of a cottage industry

Old-fashioned family wall-hanging picture borrowed from this website

Happy weekend everyone! It's Saturday afternoon and I am off to some relaxation and re-charging my batteries. But before I will head outside I'd like to share my tips, as I have discovered that it really is helpful to put my thoughts into writing and stick to them.

10. Balance your life -- You work to live, you don't live to work. A major life philosophy, so simple and yet so true.
To keep work hours and "non-work" hours is a tricky balance act especially for us working in our own cottage, because we actually never leave work as long as we are at home. So we need to create a mental barrier to set us apart from our work space.
Today my back muscles hurt because I crocheted about 10 hours yesterday. They tell me: give it a break. And I will listen, because my body is my tool, my extended equipment, longing for a rest. And my mind craves inspiration and fun. Food for future creativity.

11. Keeping a household afloat seems to be on our mind constantly, especially when there never seem to be enough hours in a day. Well, I am not a devoted "home-maker" (I don't have a better word for it), but love to keep my house organized versus pretty. I guess I focus more on practicality than show-casing. During the week I try to keep up laundry, dishes and trash-take out on a regular basis. A little time invested every day keeps the big chaos away (one of my standard wisdoms:)...and it works. No overwhelming messes. The bigger tasks like dusting or vacuum cleaning happen on the weekends. With my DH helping if possible (he works a lot of over-time himself these days).

12. Peace in the home is essential for me to work with positive vibes and in good spirits. So when the stress of making it to the post office in time or meeting other requirements gets overwhelming sometimes, a mental STOP of a calm mind will put life into perspective again. Thanking my partner for little favors, giving him a hug, having some down time when he gets of from work with a cup of coffee and small talk about our work days...goes a long way.
And on Sundays when we share our spirituality together in form of a traditional sweat lodge ceremony, it's bonding us for life. We have to make time for those we love.

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