I feel somewhat disgruntled these days.
See above, my show box system full of receipts for materials, packing supplies and postage. It's convenient during the year to just throw store receipts in there, but a nightmare when it comes to organize myself for our tax accountant appointment. Will I ever learn?
My craft room is depressing as well, overflowing with stuff and boxes piled on one another.
Less is more? I wish:)
One positive note: This morning I got up and started my state sales tax statement (due every month) right away and had it finished before 8 a:m. It has to be mailed today!
Ah, give me a deadline and I will get it done, right, shortly before due-time, but not one day earlier:)
In order to give this post at least one uplifting aspect for the poor reader (who may not be up for my rant:), I would like to share a free program just in case you don't have MS word or excel on your computer (I don't), try this website
Open Office
You will be able to create tables, open word and excel files. A free software for thrifty biz owners.
(You can dl your paypal transactions as well into a spreadsheet file.)
I'm generally pretty good about entering all my receipts into QuickBooks so that things are easy come tax time, but I've been using something like your box system for the past month, and I'm dreading having to figure it all out today!
Wow - your box runneth over! Good luck! You sound realistic & well-prepared, to me...
Yikes! Good luck!
At least you got your sales tax done :)
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