Thursday, April 24, 2008

House Guests

Spring is a turbulent season in Oklahoma. Yesterday we had thunderstorms and heavy rain falls. Today I swept the porch, the high water had left dead grass, leaves and weeds in front of the house. I noticed a Robin fly away in panic when I opened the screen door.
It took a while to notice that there was straw in one of my empty baskets hanging from the pillar.
I am not awfully tall and had to take down the basket to have a closer look.
Aren't those beautiful?
Last year a robin had its nest in my large front porch hanging plant. The leaves were really thick and the nest went unnoticed for a while. I bet it's one of the bird babies returning. The cycle of life (is a wonderful thing).


Anonymous said...

what a great story to wake up to, thanks for sharing!!!

UniqueNurseGranny said...

So neat.

Katie L. said...

How wonderful! Love the color of robins eggs :)