Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday...Are you working?

Yep, me too.
Today I was thinking how nice it would be to have the "boring Sunday" of my childhood back.
When there was no school, no work for my dad, no house hold work for my mum (except dinner which was a big I guess she had a workload there), no stores open, special Sunday clothes for mass (church) and visits to my grandparents.
And back then, I felt bored. Deprived of every day activities, distractions and noises.
Sundays were quiet days in our home.
Outlooks on life changes...and that's a good thing.
I have tried to bring back a little bit of the Sunday spirit back into my life. Just for starters.
But in the handmade business for tams November is a big month and I have to postpone Sunday leisure times for a little longer.
The workaholic in me is happy though:)
Wanna see what I worked on today?
The tams above are all new additions to my website and are for sale here.

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