(and sorry, we forgot our cameras, so no pictures)
Sid and I shared a 10X10 booth displaying his art prints and my crochet hats.
Our conclusion after a week of prepping our inventory and props for our booth:
- a conventional craft fair is not really for us, we didn't do well sales-wise among lawn ornaments, handmade fudge, potholders and diaper cakes which catered more to a traditional crowd buying for their homes, kitchens and lawns.
- it's a lot of work, I would have never imagined
- the weather and location can make all the difference
- the fun part was chatting with our booth neighbors
- dressing up a booth is not very easy and costs quite a bit of money
- The term "handmade" was interpreted quite loosely on some tables
It will probably be my first and last. At least I have had a chance to experience the face to face selling adventure once again and I made a few sales.
It rained all day long, the expo hall was very cool and it was sultry and warm outside.
The football game was rescheduled from an evening game to noon which kept many Stillwater Oklahoma Cowboy fans from visiting the show.
The organization of the show was pretty good, no complaints there. We had free coffee all day long and everything was in place and well taken care of.
I am very tired today...and glad to be back home.