Thursday, June 2, 2011

Self Empowerment

(picture borrowed from here)

If you followed my blog lately, then you probably got a sense of many happenings surrounding my normal full-time routine of running a small handmade business without any additional helping hands.
It has been frustrating at times to work around appointments and other obligations. One of the theories of depression is based on helplessness in the face of foreign-administered measurements and their outcome. I am not depressed but have felt a certain amount of frustration and overwhelmed sensations lately.
Today I paused and this thought hit me:
Create your own day life/week/business/...fill in the blanks), don't let someone else, their actions, or non-actions, ..... (fill in the blanks) effect your happiness. Your thoughts will be mirrors of what you will receive from the universe and the Creator. 
Easy folk wisdom, no rocket science, even when it comes in a big word like "self empowerment" these days.

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