I myself can tell by the increasing orders I receive. I am grateful.
An aspect of Christmas, the random act of kindness, is more in my focus than decoration and gifts. I personally am not an avid XMas shopper. Even though I will give to all my loved ones. But no overkill, please. It's the season of love, not the season of plastic nic nacs and abundance.
I have found this website through another blog and I will get gifts and useful winter items ready to send to one of the organiztions. Being a crocheter...hats, scarfs, small sweaters that will be welcome for a good cause. Plus I have a whole tub full of children clothes new with tags, items I had bought to embellish. But they may serve a better purpose as gifts for children on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
There is still so much poverty in the USA and I like to give to people in need, right here in this country. Some infrastructures create poverty and problems to provide certain necessities.
My challenge is 1 hat and other items per day and mail a box in the middle of November.
I joined this yahoo group. I really would like to be not just another hat and clothes maker, but make a difference with my crafts.
Click to join CraftingForACause